Thursday, October 12, 2006

My Loving Family......

Here, I would like to share bit more things about myself n my family with all of you guys....some of you i know, have known me quite well but some of you might you more details about the loving family that I have... full with joy n love...
We have gone through many things together...the goods and the bads...the happy n the sad....and remain strong as the 'group of family' strong as it can be....
My 'bapak', Manshor Bin Ahmad, 55 'mak', 45 years... I have 5 siblings and i am the eldest second sis, Tahariah Manshor,26 years married with 2 child, her husband...Supardy Majid, 30 years..(my adik ipar older than me...he..he) ...third is Tanshor Manshor, 23 years (the only 'hero')...No 4 is Kasmia Manshor...(she help me a lot in housekeeping...he..he...i am really in trouble if she is not around....)....and the youngest is our very sweet, cute, bijak and manja sis, Nur Fahimah,9 years..(My parent gelar dia 'manager'...and 'accountant'..coz she is the one yang banyak control rumah n the one who know very closely where my mum put the money...kira dia ni financial controllerlah) she's the only one yang stay with my parent....that's why dia boleh 'berkuasa' monday to friday...coz kakak2 n abang..not around...weekend dia jadi the very sopan santun ....just like a normal 'adik'..
I have one niece , Amirah Balqis(Kakak) , 4 years nephew, Aiman Haziq(Adik),3 years...Both of them really close with me...and wish to stay with me when they are grow up..funny ..both of them..when we are asking...anak siapa?... the answer is 'anak aunt Mang' (Mang is my panggilan at home)... means I have 'anak' before married...though they are not mine...hopefully with God's will I have my own one fine day!!!!!...Amiin....Boleh di katakan i ni..child friendly...
Actually, kami berbangsa Bugis....our origin home town is at Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia...tapi dah bermastautin lebih kurang 30 tahun...but we still have a big family at our home town..Kiranya kami dah jadi warganegara lah..
Tak perlulah I cerita detail macam mana we can be here...but i would like to thank my parent for what we have now...kalau bukan kerana 'perjuangan'.... long term planning ....i dont think we are what we are now..bak most of my freinds say...maybe i one of the woman yang di supply jadi 'housemaid'....i dont deny... it's true....
Thanks mak n pak......I am grateful and proud of you...
My parent, even not rich ...not others...but full of loving..concern..caring...i just love it..and sangat2 bersyukur di lahirkan dalam family ini...walaupun kehidupan yang sederhana but to me more than enough..cukup sempurna...
Believe my ages...both of them still treat me just like a little girl.. but not in all situation... my father will not going in his room before make sure ada ubat nyamuk yang sudah dinyalakan in my room..dia sendiri yang akan bakar..logiknya no need to treat me like that...coz im not small anymore...that is my parent... concern tahap maksimum...
well frankly, i do not know what will happen to me if I do not have them around.. for who i am, what i have become and for any decision i have made no matter the goods or the bads...these are people that have been there supporting me all way me the sense of believe that nothing is imposible and we can always make them possible...when i'm sad,when i'm happy,when i'm mad, when i'm lonely and when i need someone to cry on and rely on... they'll always be there for me...
To my group of family...thank you for the care, the love, the thought, the doa,the advice the you all more than words can say...
Semoga Allah berikan Rahmat dan hidayah kepada family kami...Amiin...

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