Thursday, October 12, 2006

Semoga Lekas Sembuh...

Yesterday morning, i received sms from my close fren, Hasma Hassan (kawan sekampung)....she at hospital...waiting for urine and blood test result..she's complain last nite she cannot sleep becoz of stomach pain..
12.00 pm I just informed that she will be admit..for futher treatment....still waiting the final result...i call her and she's i decide to go to hospital to accompany and support her difficult this far...i know and really understand she must need some one to talk with..honestly i really worry for her...but i must be positive think....coz i still remember my fren word.."don't think bad...if u think bad..bad happen.."...but i just cannot stop's remind me to my frend, Mulyana..
Last few month...Mulyana also in same condition...suspect appendix....denggi...finally after ujian sum2 tulang..she actually leukimia...oh my was so surprise...unexpected..iyalah before ni dia sihat2 je.. ingatkan demam2 biasa je.. Ini ujian untuknya...she's now still under treatment...
Hari berganti hari...bulan berganti bulan..Mul semakin kurus...badan semakin lemah..rambut sedikit demi sedikit gugur....touching...coz biasa tengok Mul dalam keadaan sihat...sekarang terlantar sakit..i really sad coz a lot of story we are share..coz dulu Mul menumpang keta saya pegi kerja.. hospital sekarang rumah kedua Mul and me she's really lucky ada family sangat2 concern...caring...loving... sehari pun Mul tak pernah dibiarkan tinggal seorang diri di hospital..
Kerana leukimia, Mul terpaksa lepaskan semuanya... kerjaya... kehidupan normal seharian..pergaulan dengan kawan2..and lately terpaksa lepaskan jawatan kerajaan yang di tawarkan sesuai dengan kelulusan...and of course gaji yang agak 'boleh tahan'...i know dia sedikit kecewa... coz after so long time menunggu rezeki kerja yang stabil...interview di merata tempat..tup2 terpaksa lepaskan...setelah ditawarkan...ya lah kalau memang bukan rezeki will not be our's..sabarlah Mul, ada hikmah di atas semua ini..Allah pasti beri yang lebih baik, i know you a very strong...i feel pity for u and family...kata orang ..berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yang memikul...Semoga Mul n family tabah dengan ujian Allah...
So, back to Hasma story, confirm dia apendix..luckily it wasn't too lebih kurang 6pm dia di masukkan dalam dewan pembedahan..her family still at kampung..we are informed that the operation will take 2-3 hours..Alhamdulillah after 2++ hours the operation finished...Hasma di sorong ke dalam wad.. this time..i just cannot stop my tears from fall...see her in different condition..sadness face also appear at her parent face..i know both of them also feel what i feel..
Itulah penyakit....boleh datang tiba2 Hasma & Mulyana i hope and wish you'll recover soon and thing will be back to normal..take care of your health, it's loan from HIM... Don't forget you have family and frens who love you very much and are praying for you...
Banyakkan bersabar dan berdoa...if posible tak ada orang yang nak sakit...but we must 'redha' will always have ups and downs...we can always plan for the best of life.. but sometimes it didn't happen the way we want it to be...always believe that things happen for a good reason..

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